ארס שחור





















the story behind the design 




"…This scent was inconceivable, indescribable, could not be categorized in any way-it really ought not to exist at all. And yet there it was as plain and splendid as day. Grenouille followed it, his fearful heart pounding, for he suspected that it was not he who followed the scent, but the scent that had captured him and was drawing him irresistibly to it…"

" Perfume Patrick Süskind"




      Venin originates from the word "Venom" in English , The design of the perfume bottle possesses fragrance and character,composed of the figure and power of a wild animal.
It borrows characteristics from the world of strong, bold and ambitious women.
The ritual of perfumery embodies darkness and mystery and is performed by collecting perfume (the" Venom") into the bottle by using a glass stopper.
The glass stopper,which resembles a wild animals claw or tooth,clutches the bottle with one of its claws while the other lifts the glass stopper which contains the collected "venom".It then applies the perfume to its neck and wrists,simulating the motion of the passing of scent from one animal to another.At the end of the ceremony it returns the glass stopper its place and is ready to leave for battle.The bottle was designed as if a "MasterPiece",The unique scent was concocted especially by a professional Perfumer.
 Materials and Technique: Black Porcelain,Molding,Complex patterns.


 This design is the winner of  Gold Medal in
 FRANZ AWARD competition