Art Food
Art Food is a project, co-organized by Adam Mickiewicz Institute and Modus Design with cooperation of Polish Porcelain Industries Cmielow and Chodziez SA.
Project base is Cmielow Design Studio located in the heart of 225 years old Cmielow manufacture of porcelain.
The project is an extension of design education offering designer creating and communicating ideas for production.
Art Food start in 2013 with respond to the new developments in culinary culture and took upon a challenge to supply innovative ideas and concepts in ceramic design accommodating and supporting creative works of chefs.
Each project play different role in the gastronomy theater offering new and surprising propositions which with the creative hand of the chef represents composition made out the form, color, texture and of course the Plavor.
Leading tutor: Marek Cecula
Exhibition: "Art Food" , Centre for the Meeting of Cultures, Lublin, Poland
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